The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity for UK Businesses

Cyberthreats are becoming more sophisticated but so, thankfully, are the tools to fight them, particularly with the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI). For humans, monitoring cybersecurity is almost impossible due to the overwhelming volume and complexity of data, coupled with the speed and sophistication of modern cyberattacks that require constant vigilance and advanced analytical capabilities.

In this article, we’ll outline some of the advantages of AI in cybersecurity.

The Power Of Behavioural Analytics

A key strength of AI in cybersecurity is its ability to conduct highly precise behavioural analytics. AI-driven cybersecurity systems can detect subtle anomalies in a user’s behaviour, identifying deviations from established patterns that may signal potential threats. Continuous authentication, for example, monitors different parameters, such as mouse movements or typing patterns, to constantly check the user is who they claim to be.

AI’s ability to analyse behaviour is vital as it enables the early detection of unusual activities that could indicate a security breach. Furthermore, AI can process and analyse vast datasets much more efficiently than humans, constantly developing new algorithms to detect and prevent attacks.

Automation And Routine Security Tasks

AI excels in automating routine security tasks, such as endpoint security and network traffic monitoring. As well as saving time, AI also reduces the potential for human error as it cannot be easily distracted from the task at hand. By constantly monitoring network traffic, AI systems can quickly identify and respond to security threats, ensuring a more robust defence against cyberattacks while freeing human staff to focus on other tasks.

Advanced Persistent Threat And UEBA

Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) detection and User and Entity Behaviour Analytics (UEBA) are areas in which AI excels. As a continuous learning machine, an AI system can protect an organisation's network from harmful data by constantly analysing the flow of data and learning from patterns. Anomalies or discrepancies are easier and quicker to spot, enabling a more responsive approach to threat mitigation.

An important footnote about AI chatbots

Many businesses are beginning to use AI chatbots which, while offering many benefits, also pose certain security risks. The advanced capabilities of AI, such as generating text, adopting a given style, and creating code, can be misused by bad actors for malicious purposes. There are concerns, for example, that ChatGPT could facilitate data theft as cybercriminals might use its capabilities to impersonate legitimate entities or to create convincing phishing emails. Additionally, there's a risk that AI can assist in malware development, enabling even those with a basic knowledge to create sophisticated malware, such as polymorphic viruses.

To mitigate these risks, it’s important to choose your AI chatbot wisely. Solutions such as Bing Enterprise Chat, for example, keep data within the Microsoft 365 tenant, making it more difficult for malicious users to intercept or infiltrate data. A secure, controlled environment enables businesses to benefit from AI technology while minimising potential security threats.

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