IT Solutions and Services

Business Applications

Fifosys IT Business Applications

For many businesses, productivity and core functions are reliant on the business applications they select.

At Fifosys, we have extensive experience working with a range of different business software solutions. We are happy to assist you with the initial setup and deployment, training and continual education.

Scroll down for a detailed breakdown of what we do.

Fifosys - Business Applications
Fifosys - Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365

Office 365 is Microsoft’s highly available, highly scalable, cloud productivity platform, bringing together familiar Office applications with cloud-based communication and collaboration tools.

Fifosys - Sharepoint


Microsoft SharePoint is a web-based document management and storage platform, integrating seamlessly with Microsoft Office 365 to be an ideal solution for businesses of any kind.

Fifosys - Automation


Automation can create an excellent platform for growth. By automating certain functions, organisations can increase the level of consistency they provide, reducing the chance of human error.

Get in touch with the Fifosys technical experts