Dark Web Monitoring
Are you exposed on the Dark Web?
For those familiar with the Dark Web you’ll know that its existence poses real threats to businesses of all sizes. It’s not just small businesses who should sit up and take note, either. Everyone should be wary, right up to large enterprises, conglomerates, and governmental organisations. Stolen data, customer information, financial records, intellectual property, and even your credentials can - and will - find their way onto Dark Web marketplaces. But do you know if you're already exposed? Fill out the form below to access our free checker.
Fifosys goes into the Dark Web so you don’t have to.
We’ll monitor and keep you safe 24/7/365.
Some experts predict that the global cost of ransomware attacks will eclipse $265 billion by 2031 - which is higher than the GDP of 34 European countries in 2023.
Billions of records already appear on the Dark Web, and if you used our free tracker above, you may see you’re already on there.
You can change your password - but for all you know, you may wind back up there soon after. Alongside that, your colleagues could also be exposed and a cyber attack that cripples your organisation could be a matter of time.
So what’s the answer?
Fifosys’ Dark Web monitoring.
Our system will automatically monitor the most secretive areas of the Internet and the Dark Web 24/7/365 to find compromised credentials associated with your domain.
Instead of you going into uncharted areas, our system goes instead. We’ll scour and observe the following places for your information:
Hidden chat rooms
Private websites
Peer-to-peer networks
Internet relay chat channels
Social Media platforms
Black market sites
Over 640,000 botnets
If we discover credentials or information linked to any of your monitored domains, a ticket will automatically be logged in our ticket logging system and triaged appropriately. The key logged will contain the following information:
Data found
Password details, if applicable
Source of breach
Origin of breach
If personal identifiable information is included
One of our engineers will then contact you and let you know what action needs to be taken, such as if the user needs to change their password or if further education or action is required.
(We can inform the internal IT department, but just note: your staff may not always be comfortable with the IT team knowing the identified source!)
As executives and C-Suites pose a lucrative catch for cyber criminals who have ‘gone phishing,’ we can also add ten personal email addresses per monitored domain to the service for an additional (but reduced) charge.