End User Training
How do Fifosys deliver end-user training?
At Fifosys, we understand that education is paramount, which is why we invest a substantial amount of our time in this area. One of our top priorities is to ensure our clients are fully up to speed on the most important information and the latest IT trends, new technology and products. We are ready, willing and able to work with you and your organisation during service review meetings, consultancy sessions and other end-user training sessions, where we can cover areas of critical importance, such as:
Cyber Security Training
Compliance and GDPR
Application Training
IT Budgeting
Home Working Policies
Business Continuity Policies
Security Policies
Another of the many ways we prioritise education is through the organisation and hosting of training events, workshops and webinars. By taking part in these interactive events, you can gain valuable insights and expand your own knowledge of key areas of IT and its uses within your sector.
These regularly scheduled events focus on a variety of different areas of interest, including cyber security, IT budgeting, compliance and GDPR, cloud computing and getting the most from Microsoft Office 365.
If you’re interested in training your end users, we’re happy to talk, feel free to get in touch.