Retail and Leisure
The retail and leisure sectors can present a number of significant challenges for businesses when it comes to developing the right IT strategy. For example, collection of customer data is now expected and is used to enhance personalisation and the overall customer experience, but customers want to know that their information is secure.
Here at Fifosys, we understand the various unique challenges that retail and leisure companies face. We have worked with a number of organisations in these sectors, as you will see from the case studies provided.
Case Studies
Fifosys has worked with many business in the retail and leisure sector, here are just a few of our case studes.
If you’d like to talk to one of the team regarding your IT needs, we’d love to hear from you.
Meantime Brewery
This award-winning Meantime Brewery in Greenwich reaps the benefits of flexibility and cost saving from a Fifosys integrated VOIP implementation.
Comptoir Group
The nationwide restaurant chain dials into cost savings with Fifosys' integrated VOIP solution.
Everyone Active SLM
With over 220 sports and leisure centres and 3,500+ staff, learn more about how Fifosys has helped support Everyone Active SLM for over a decade—and counting!