Don’t try to be the expert; hire one instead

There aren't many exceptions to this principle of 'something's broken? Resort to the expert'. What happens if your iPhone breaks? You take it to the Apple Store and let the experts repair it. Maybe your car won't start? You'd take it to the garage. 

You may hear endless opinions on your work if you're in a creative industry - such as being an artist, a chef, or even working in social media. Yet, probabilities suggest that - as the expert - you know what you're doing better than someone who isn't qualified.

However, when it comes to IT, this principle can be easily forgotten by those trying to save money, which often costs even more to set right afterwards.

So, in simple terms, we're here to say, don't try to be the expert; hire one instead.

Opening the Door to Vulnerabilities

There are clear experts within industries in all walks of life; these are the people we turn to when we need support. Not many industries can be considered as complex yet intertwined in your life as IT these days, and it's no longer an area you should try to tackle alone.

Threats are now incredibly complex and look set to cost the world $10.5 trillion by 2025. You may think you know your network inside and out - you may even have a solid understanding of the biggest threats, too. But do you have the tools to fight them? Would you be aware of a malicious outsider on your network?

You may have heard the saying 'don't mark your own homework', and this adage applies here too. With UK businesses experiencing approximately 7.78 million cyber crimes of all types and approximately 116,000 non-phishing cyber crimes in the last 12 months, the harsh reality is that you're likely to have vulnerabilities out there. Why not reach out to an MSP for an IT audit, shedding light on these and getting a plan of where you can improve?

The alternative is much worse - an attack can close the doors of a business for good. But, if you survive an attack, the damage often goes above and beyond a financial figure. As shown in TalkTalk's 2016 breach, roughly 4% of data for their four million customers was affected. Despite no financial loss to those impacted, 101,000 people chose to take their business elsewhere.

Could your business afford to suffer such losses? For enterprises and conglomerates, it may cause a headache, but they can often ride out the storm. For SMEs, it can spell disaster.

Costly to Fix

It's fair to say that it's been a challenging few years for us all. Many organisations have struggled to tread water due to COVID, and the following general cost of living has made it even harder. Those who have kept going can consider themselves among the most fortunate, and at Fifosys, we're no exception. But, as we all look to recover, we're all looking at where we can cut corners and save a few pounds here and there.

IT is an incredibly complex industry, and take it from us; it's not something you should tackle alone or scrimp on. Many SME organisations have internal IT departments, which is a step in the right direction. But often, the budget doesn't stretch to have experts in multiple fields.

We love working with smaller teams like this, but sometimes, we see those who go it alone or don't opt for external help, opening the door to costly errors. With a less-than-perfect installation of a new system, processes or software, errors can happen and you may be running ineffective solutions. Correcting these later down the line can take a considerable amount of time - and be incredibly costly. If it is outside the skillset of your IT department, for your own sake, consider turning to the experts.

We've all sat and watched sports with friends or family and, despite any of your friends' suggestions, the unfortunate reality is that they wouldn't do better than Cristiano Ronaldo as he bears down on goal - or LeBron James, as the ball lands in his hands when the score is tied and the clock is ticking ever closer to 0. That's because they're experts operating in positions that they excel in.

Treat IT with the same logic - put the experts in the right place. If you're still not convinced, think of it this way; you wouldn't call your barber and ask them to come and paint your house. Their skillset lies elsewhere.

Are you about to embark on a Cloud Migration? Or, perhaps you need to improve your internal security? Turn to an MSP with decades of experience.

Don’t Lose Focus on What Matters Most

In 2024 and beyond, IT shouldn't be thought of as a team of people you have tucked away in the basement that you call if you can't print. Instead, it should firmly be in board-level discussions and be a cornerstone of your plans for the year ahead.

We're under no illusions that talk of firewalls, patching, or the Dark Web may not be the most interesting to some people, but it shouldn't be cast aside. 

According to a study by IBM, human error is the root cause for 95% of cyber security breaches. So, how do you get your staff prepared for threats out there? The easiest and most cost-effective solution is to get an expert to run training sessions.

By turning to a Managed Service Provider, they can take care of things - such as hosting End User Training or free educational events. In our case, we can even help plan your budget for the year ahead.

So, let us take care of your IT whilst you focus on what matters most to you - running your business.

The Last Word

The world of IT is complex. It can be confusing and sometimes a little overwhelming. We won't pretend otherwise.

But, after the last few years, you can be forgiven for wanting easier wins and less stress wherever necessary. So why not leave complicated and stressful tasks to those who do them every day?

Reach out to our team for a no-obligation introduction to Fifosys and hear how we can take your organisation to the next level.


Time to Standardise your IT?


Threats are evolving, but has your security stood still?