Fifosys: Cyber Essentials Plus Certified for 2024

We're excited to announce that we have successfully renewed our Cyber Essentials Plus certification for another year. This marks our continued commitment to cybersecurity excellence and ensures we've remained compliant since 2018.

This certification is so much more than just a badge to go on our website or act as a tick-box exercise for us; it reflects our ongoing dedication to protecting our clients' digital environments in an ever-evolving threat landscape.

What is Cyber Essentials Plus?

Cyber Essentials Plus is a rigorous, government-backed certification that helps organisations of all sizes protect themselves against a wide range of cyber threats.

Unlike the standard Cyber Essentials certification, Cyber Essentials Plus involves independently assessing the organisation's cybersecurity controls and procedures, including a hands-on technical verification to ensure our systems are effectively protected against common attacks such as phishing, malware, and hacking attempts.

Why Is This Certification Important?

Cybersecurity threats are constantly evolving, and as we tell everyone - if you stand still, you'll be left behind. As such, maintaining robust security measures is crucial for any business operating in today's digital age. Achieving Cyber Essentials Plus certification helps us:

  • Demonstrate Trust: It provides our clients peace of mind, knowing that their sensitive data is managed and protected by a certified partner.

  • Mitigate Risks: By following the highest security standards and having them externally assessed, we minimise the risk of breaches and data loss, protecting our interests and - more importantly - our clients.

  • Stay Proactive: The certification process keeps us proactive in identifying and mitigating potential vulnerabilities in our infrastructure.

Our Journey with Cyber Essentials Plus

We first earned our Cyber Essentials Plus certification in 2018 and have held it consistently every year since then. When it comes to cybersecurity and your own network, we frequently stress that you shouldn't mark your own homework. Instead, an MSP, such as Fifosys, can act as an external force that checks for vulnerabilities, weaknesses and areas of concern.

We hold ourselves to the same standards, so every year, our team undergoes rigorous external testing, demonstrating our commitment to maintaining the highest levels of cybersecurity.

The renewal process involves a comprehensive assessment of our security practices, including vulnerability scans, penetration testing, and verification of our processes to ensure they meet the stringent requirements set out by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).

Continuous Improvement: Our Approach to Cybersecurity

Renewing our Cyber Essentials Plus certification isn't just about ticking a box; it is a part of our culture of continuous improvement. Here's how we stay ahead:

  • Regular Security Audits: We conduct frequent internal audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities before they become threats.

  • Training and Awareness: Our team receives regular training on the latest cybersecurity trends and threats to ensure they can handle any potential issues.

  • Advanced Tools and Technologies: We invest in cutting-edge security tools and technologies to provide multiple layers of defence against cyber threats.

  • Client-Focused Security: We work closely with clients to tailor security strategies that meet their unique needs and industry requirements.

What Does This Mean for You?

For our clients, this renewed certification is a testament to our unwavering commitment to security. By partnering with Fifosys, you are choosing a company that takes cybersecurity seriously and is actively working to protect your business from the ever-growing list of cyber threats.

Equally, if you turn to Fifosys to help you pass your Cyber Essentials/Cyber Essentials Plus certification, you’re safe in the knowledge that we know what we're talking about.

We've been there and done it.

A Final Word from Mitesh

"As we celebrate this milestone, we are not resting on our laurels. Cybersecurity constantly evolves, and we are committed to adapting and strengthening our defences to stay one step ahead of potential threats. Our goal remains clear: to provide our clients with secure, reliable IT services they can trust to help their business grow.

We thank all our clients for continuing to place your trust in Fifosys, and look forward to supporting you with our renewed commitment to cybersecurity excellence."

Stay Secure with Fifosys

To learn more about our cybersecurity practices or how we can help protect your business, get in touch with Fifosys today.


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