The Importance of Cyber Security Training

Cyber security is a rapidly growing field - and as we've shifted to a society that lives, works and almost breathes through the internet, it's easy to see why. 

Once you factor in the countless malicious outsiders - or hackers - constantly looking for new ways to breach defences, cyber security goes from being a buzzword to a necessity.

As hackers strive to find a way through your defences, the weakest link could be right under your nose - your staff. But before you rush to try to replace your workforce with AI for added security, why not consider the more straightforward - and logical - solution of training them in all things cyber? Here's how training helps secure your organisation from threats.

Why Does Cyber Security Matter?

The first step on this journey is to recognise the importance of cyber security. Your employees must be alert to the dangers and understand how cyber security works.

Years ago, hackers had a misconception of being people working in their parent's basements, tapping away at their screens in a dimly lit room with their hoods up.

Whilst we can't speak on hackers' living situations - particularly in the current financial climate - we can safely say they're no laughing matter. The threats are severely more sophisticated and specifically designed to beat any defences you may already have deployed. 

Often, hackers work in groups or organisations, with mainstream collectives including Anonymous and The Lizard Squad. Worse yet, when they strike, they can reap millions as a reward for their crimes and put businesses out of action for days, weeks or months.

It goes above monetary costs, too, with reputation, trust and reliability all taking a hit in people's minds. So much so that, while some organisations can - and do - bounce back from a breach, it can be the killing blow for many. A 2019 article claimed that as many as 60% of small businesses close within six months of a breach.

This means that businesses can invest thousands in state-of-the-art systems designed to secure their infrastructure, but with one successful phishing attempt at the right target, hackers have a license to do whatever they see fit.

Is Cyber Security Training Important?

Training is a crucial facet of any cyber security strategy. It can help teach staff how to spot cyber attack attempts and how to avoid them entirely, and it can guide effectively responding to an attack that has taken place.

According to the UK Government, phishing accounts for an estimated 90% of all cyber crime that businesses face in the UK. The average cost of an attack to a medium-sized UK business was £10,830, yet despite that, only 18% of companies have tested staff with mock phishing exercises in the last 12 months.

If your staff are unaware of how to spot phishing attacks, it could only be a matter of time before you're in serious trouble - and it's not just phishing you have to be wary of either.

Different types of attacks require different responses, so staff must be trained to respond to an incident safely without putting themselves or others at risk.

With clear guidelines or policies, employees can quickly become familiar with the ever-evolving threats, helping reduce the risk of cyber attacks and protecting your business from potential losses.

Where Do I Begin?

Due to cyber security's relevancy, countless training courses are available. Throughout COVID and the lockdowns, we all faced an online-only world, meaning webinars emerged as an efficient way to learn about cyber security.

For larger organisations, many find that training is best delivered through webinars or public seminars - especially if your staff need to keep updated with the latest developments. Equally, in-person presentations can inform staff of the latest threats, help spot potential weaknesses or how to prepare their computer for protection against malicious attacks. 

However, it's worth noting this kind of training can often be time-consuming to organise and deliver yourself, which is why it could be the perfect time to call in the professionals. 

MSPs such as Fifosys thrive on helping organisations and individuals be alert to the latest trends. Typically, we spend a day in your office educating groups of staff on everything they need to know about implementing cyber security measures in their organisation. Throughout our sessions, we'll look at topics such as:

  • Keeping your computer safe

  • The attacks out there

  • How to spot phishing attempts

  • Best practices for cyber security

  • Suspicious links or attachments

We can also recommend supporting online courses that can help bolster knowledge and keep you secure or run simulated attacks. Such methods offer insight into your gaps and establish the areas we can work on with your employees.

If you're looking for somewhere to start, contact our team of experts who can understand your organisation, what you're trying to achieve and where you are in your cyber security journey. We can then work with you to provide vital information on how to put the basic cyber security measures in place and establish a plan that will last the test of time. 

The Last Word

When it comes to training, it's always important to be clear about what you want to achieve and why. By taking the time to consider what your organisation needs and how best to achieve it, you can ensure that cyber security training is delivered safely and effectively - and from a provider who can work with your organisation to fill in any gaps in your defences.

Or, save yourself the effort and prepare to pay the price when disaster does happen?

It's your call, but we know which option sounds safer.


Threats are evolving, but has your security stood still?


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